In Texas the intermediate level of EMTs is divided into two, EMT-I and EMT-P which require different levels of training and in many training facilities are referred to Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) training. If you are looking for Paramedic specific information then take a look at Paramedic Training in TX.
The following is a list of requirements you will need to satisfy prior to becoming a licensed EMT in the State of Texas:
- 18 years of age
- High School diploma
- Department of State Health Services (DSHS) approved Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate/Paramedic Certificate
- Criminal background check, criminal records may result in rejection
- NREMT certification
- Valid drivers license not a requisite for an EMT license but may be required for better job prospects
Step 1
Find a local approved training facility and register for the EMT-Intermediate (AEMT) or EMT-P training. Prior to contacting the training facility you should get proof of immunization and verify with the training facility what other immunizations you will need prior to registering.
It is very important that you only register for an approved training program at a state approved facility, as non-approved courses will not be accepted for an EMT license.
The best way to ensure that you only apply for an approved EMT course is by contacting your local EMS Compliance Field Office:
Training duration varies by provider, but are usually 170 hours for EMT-I to 700 hours for EMT-P, and cost usually ranges between $2,000 and $5,000, with EMT-I courses at the lower end and EMT-P course at the higher end.
Step 2
AEMT, or EMT-I, license applicants must pass the NREMT exams, which are made up of two parts, a written cognitive exam and a psychomotor exam. For the written exam an applicant will need to register with the NREMT ( and pay the $100 application fee. When the applicant is ready to take the exam they will need to get in touch with Pearson Vue ( who provide the computer based testing for the NREMT exam.
For the psychomotor examination you should check with your EMT training provider whether they are able to provide such certification in conjunction with the AEMT course. Note that this exam tests the applicant for ten separate skills.
Once the applicant has received certification for both exams they will be issued with an NREMT certificate which is valid for 2 years; this certificate is needed for the state EMT license application.
For some tips and recommendations on preparing for these exams take a look at our Preparing For NREMT Exams page.
Step 3
In order to speed up the registration process you can submit the application prior to completing training and exams. You will just leave the training and NREMT related sections blank, and the EMS will be able to complete data entry, fee processing and background check. Once you have completed training and the exams you can contact your local EMS Compliance Field Office and inform them of the details.
In order to submit an application you must do the following:
- The most efficient way is to submit your application electronically here:
- Make sure you correctly fill in the EMT course and NREMT certification details
- Make payment for $96 fee
Alternatively you are able to apply by post as follows:
- Complete the “Initial certification/licensure application for EMS personnel” form available here:
- Make sure you correctly fill in the EMT course and NREMT certification details
- Include payment of $96 fee (check or money order payable to Texas Department of State Health Services)
Step 4
EMT Applicants must undergo a criminal background check as part of the application process. During the application process in step 3 you will notice a section in the application for the Fingerprint Application Services Texas (FAST). The form details instructions about how to make an appointment to have your fingerprint taken. A $44.20 fee will have to be paid at the fingerprinting facility and is payable by check, money order or credit card.
Knowing all these steps in advance will greatly help in planning your training and ensuring a quick and efficient process as possible.